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Saturday, 30 September 2023

Cultural Similarities - Scots and Spanish

 Cultural Similarities – Spanish and Scots


(I just watched a video of recipe - WILL NOT SHARE - feel queasy!) EC 

Black pudding/Morcilla de Burgos (can be more spicy than ours with rice rather than barley)

Turnips – although in Spain they also make use of the turnip tops as an early spring green. Grelos is its name and you eat it with grilled sausage. 

Fava bean, sausage and black pudding casserole. 

There is a 12th century carving in the portico of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, of an Empanada - or to you and I, a pie!

The idea of encasing a meal in a crust made it portable, ideal for a traveller or indeed a miner needing his lunch. The fillings found in coastal regions of northern Spain were usually fish based, not unlike the famous Stargazy Pie from Cornwall. Galicians are great lovers of seafood of ALL types and they could all end up in an Empanada. Further inland, the pies are usually based on pork or beef, but everywhere you can find these tasty little pies with a vegetable base. Ideal for snacking and picnics.


Shared culture


My nephew had these at his Spanish wedding in Santiago de Compostela (EC) 



Cutwork in textiles – examples in the Baird of Cumnock embroidery, also popular across Europe but particularly in Spain and Italy. 


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