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Saturday, 23 December 2023

Lithuanians who came to Scotland

By Kay McMeekin

to be continued. I would love to hear from any descendants of these or other families.

Many Lithuanian men were recruited as miners from the 1900s. Many were in Skares Rows by 1911 census, others in Ochiltree and Auchinleck. Typically their original names were hard to spell and pronounce so many changed their names or had there names changed by their employers.  This makes them difficult to track unless they stayed around and many of them did.

See also Roberta''s post on John Swegsda

Pazauckas / Padjouski/ Burnside

This family first appears in Skares, Cumnock in 1908 for the marriage of Lavanus Pazauckas and Magdalania Kapezinskas and the birth of their twin girls later that year. They or perhaps only Magdalania already had a daughter Theophila later known as Margaret. Descendant Victoria Burnside thinks Magdalania was in USA before coming to Scotland but I have found no evidence of this. Most of the family stayed in Skares and Auchinleck, some went to Dundee and then to USA.

Pazikas This family is first recorded in Skares in April 1911. They seem to have moved on.

Zelensky Anthony Zelensky (ZILINSKIS) and his wife Annie arrived in Glengyron Row between 1903 and 1907.

Gostitas family moved to Scotland shortly after their marriage in Lithuania in August 1906. Their son was born in Ochiltree in April 1907.

Yancouskie /Janpkawskie were in Auchinleck by 1910

Katalikaitas / Lyons Jonas Katalikaitis and family were in Newbattle, Midlothian by 1913 and Auchinleck by 1920 where they remained.

Andrizanskis / Miller Joseph Miller (Jousapus Andrizanskis) was in  Glengarnock, Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire by 1899  (birth of son Castor aka  KAZTANTISZ  ANDRIZAUZKIS  and in Skares Row by 1907 (birth of Francis) In the 1911 census they were calling themselves Miller and were in Green Street,Newton, Ayr.  In 1917 they were at 110 Skares row when son Castor died sudden;y aged 17. By 1921 census they were in 110 Skares row where they remained.

Savickij / Savage   Anthony and Petronella lived at 90 Skares row in 1921 census. Their daughter Annie was born in 1907

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